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Trouble at the Grameen bank

The Grameen Bank was established by Mohammad Yunus, and pioneered the idea of microfinance.  The Bangladeshi government and Prof. Yunus are currently …

Air pollution in Malawi

At the moment in Malawi they are arguing about whether or ‘passing wind’ should be banned.  Some of those in the government …

Economic terms

In Economics there are many terms which you need to learn, understand and be able to define.  In our classroom there are …

EU competition policy

  As part of the higher level course you should have an understanding of competition policy.  Most countries have their own competition …

Rainforests and tradable permits

One solution that is proposed for solving market failure, and in particular a negative externality of production, is that of a system …

A carbon tax in France

The French government for a while was considering the introduction of a ‘carbon tax’ as a method to reduce pollution (a negative …

Caring capitalism

The link is to an interview which includes one of the founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.  In the higher level …

The luckiest nut in the world

This video is a good explanation of the potential impacts of trade upon the developing world and the policies of organisations such …